MANISTEE NATIONAL FOREST-Suicide Bend. 247 steps down to the river and that means 247 steps up wearing waders and carrying a cooler, tackle bag, fishing pole and 50 lbs of king salmon. Left my buddies in the dust. Couldn’t have done it without Body Within. The last year training with Body Within has improved my strength, stamina and overall health.

Serving the following cities:
- Brighton
- Howell
- Hartland
- Pinckney
- South Lyon
- Milford
- Bingham Farms
- West Bloomfield Township
- Brighton Township
- Novi
- Northville
- Birmingham
- Bloomfield Hills
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** As of May, 2017. Ratings and reviews on third-party websites may periodically change, please check the third-party websites for up-to-date reviews and ratings. Reviews: 5 out of 5, based on 34 reviews from Nearby Now, Facebook, Google .